
Fall of the Centurio Immortalis – Chapters 1-3

Chapter One The Centurio Immotalis half dozed in his saddle as they approached the bridge over the Danuvius River. He’d decided to push on and hit their fort instead of camping outside the empire’s borders for another night. Although the day’s march had been stiff, his men were in fine spirits as they approached the […]

Keeping Organized With Multiple Deadlines (Part 2)

Last time, I discussed my 2021 goals and how I set them. This time, I’ll go over some of the tools I’ve used to keep my writing on track. I’ve relied on a variety of tools and techniques to keep myself motivated and my writing moving forward. That’s been the key my success this last […]

Keeping Organized with Multiple Deadlines (Part 1)

The Who and The Why Hi! I’m author C. Thomas Lafollette. I’m an indie urban fantasy author with a busy release scedule for 2022 and a lot of work to do to get there. I hope these posts provide some helpful hints/tips/tools to help you organize and advance your own writing. I’m in the process […]