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The Books
Luke Irontree & The Last Vampire War
- The Centurion Immortal – Newsletter Exclusive Prequel
- Dark Fangs Rising – Book One
- Dark Fangs Raging – Book Two
- Dark Fangs Descending – Book Three
- Blood Empire Reborn – Book Four
Luke Irontree Historical Adventures
- Rise of the Centurio Immortalis – Historical Fantasy Origin Novel
- Fall of the Centurio Immortalis – Historical Fantasy Romance Novel
The Photos
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The Book Covers
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The Bios
Biography 1
C. Thomas Lafollette is a writer of Urban Fantasy and Historical Fantasy and is the author of the forthcoming Luke Irontree novels. He earned a degree in Ancient History with a specialization in Classics. He’s read poetry on stage with Yevgeny Yevtushenko* and dined with the Belgian Prime Minister**. C. Thomas has lived in Portland, Oregon for over twenty years. He lives with his wife, fellow author Amy Cissell, his stepdaughter, and his three jerkface cats. He and Amy also run their own freelance editing business – Cissell Ink.
*Yevtushenko was friends with a professor at C. Thomas’s college. He was studying Russian at the time and Yevtushenko decided he wanted the Russian students to read with him on stage at his performance.
**This was purely coincidental. C. Thomas’s host took him to dinner at a restaurant in Mons, which was Elio De Rupo’s favorite spot. He was also the mayor of Mons at the time. He’d had a pie thrown at him earlier that day and was having dinner with some friends. C. Thomas is still not sure what kind of pie it was though.
Biography 2
C. Thomas Lafollette was born in Wyoming and moved to Oregon when he was ten. He attended Albertson College of Idaho and received degrees in Economics and Ancient History with specializations in Classics and Religion. After college, he moved to Portland, Oregon where we he worked in the beer and wine industry for nineteen years. Currently, he is a fulltime freelance editor and writer. He lives in Portland with his wife, fellow author Amy Cissell, his step-daughter, and their three cats.
Dark Fangs Rising, C. Thomas Lafollette’s first novel, was started in 2017 and is the first book in the new urban fantasy series Luke Irontree & The Last Vampire War. It will be released in March of 2022 followed by the rest of the nine novel series throughout 2022.
Social Media
- Twitter: @CTLafollette
- Tiktok: @CThomasLafollette
- Facebook: @CThomasLafollette
- Instagram: @CThomasLafollette
- Newsletter: Dispatches from C. Thomas Lafollette