
Death With A Twist

Title: Death With A Twist
Series: Red City Reaper #3
Author: C. Thomas Lafollette
Publisher: Broken World Publishing
Release Date: October 8th, 2024
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-960766-17-5
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-960766-18-2

Production Team:
Cover Art: Ravven
Developmental Editor: Suzanne Lahna
Copy Editor: Amy Cissell
Proofreading: Amy Cissell


Vengeance is a pissed off werewolf motorcycle gang.

Dax has survived assassins, both amateur and professional. It isn’t easy to kill Death. But in the process, he’s made some nasty enemies. Now they’re back in town with a new plan. And they won’t leave until he’s dead.

For too long, Dax has stood alone with only his best friend at his back. But now that odds are stacked against him, he must rally some new friends. Together, they’ll still be outnumbered and outgunned. But what other choice do they have?

With bullets flying and motorcycles rumbling, Dax must marshal all his skills, human and supernatural, if he wants to save his friends. Even if it means sacrificing all he has, including his life…

Also by C. Thomas Lafollette: